"At first, we gave him some space. After all, he was the Fleet Admiral of a nation that portrayed pirates as the menace of the world. I certainly didn't think of ourselves as pirates since the engineer used to be a fisherman, I'm a priest and the boy...Well. he's too young to hold a job for income, but he did bring in scrap we could sell. Sure, he came in when our enginehead fisherman brought him in from the streets; sure, we helped him with his missing prosthetic legs; sure, we let him get his own room... But was it too much to ask to give us a chance?... I know I was always out of line with him, snapping back at him with my very opinionated comments... I should've just given him time instead of outright verbally attacking him, but this really got him close to all of us, the boy, the fisherman, and me. It wasn't long until his more caring side began to show up. Knowing he was stuck with us for the time being his coin suddenly flipped, from being defensive and isolated to watchful and almost vulnerable. He was once just a stranger, hitching a ride on our crude fishing boat, the Stormchaser, but eventually he became almost like a father, taking his time reading stories for the pup, taking his time and talking with me about immediate future goals, and taking his time spending it with the engineer, pulling him out of his own loneliness. I honestly don't know what to say about the admiral. To me, he's something more than just a father figure to our crew. It's selfish to say, but I want him to stay with us. If he were to leave for his home after the exile, it would be like a part of me just... disappeared."
-Rehhas of the Stormchasers
"Topgun? Hm, Ain likes Topgun. Spends time and nights with Ain. Bigshot likes to talk, a lot. Many stories. Fun stories. Rehhas don't show he like Topgun, but Ain knows. Most don't know Ain no read, Ain no write, and Ain talk funny. But Ain knows lots. don't know how to say, but Ain knows. Nobody knows Ain fix Stormchaser like new when Ain has tools. Topgun know, but Topgun no like repairs. Don't know why. Bigshot's real nice to Ain. Shares lots and stay with Ain when Ain feel alone. Bigshot real nice at time. plays with Argo, talk with Rehhas. Real family. Ain wants Topgun to stay, but Ain knows family more important. Ain miss Bigshot when Bigshot leaves, but Ain think good. Topgun come back one day, give Ain big kiss, give Rehhas and Argo hugs. Aye."
-Ain of the Stormchasers
"Mr. Roh. He's really nice to me and teaches me stuff he knows. He's really smart even though he's not an Astonian. First time he saw me he wasn't too sure if he was looking at a captain or a kid. Oh, I'm the captain of the crew, Ain and Rehhas told me so. Mr. Roh wasn't always nice. he'd ignore me or walk away when I tried talking with him, but something happened. I think I fell down and hurt my arm. It hurt a lot and I think I cried. Mr. Roh came to me and he helped me to my feet, he put some bandages on it and always knew what to do. From that day, he became nicer, read me stories I liked, told me some of his favorites. I really like his detective one where the officer was able to solve the mystery of the stolen jewel. He lets me ride on his shoulders when we go to market, makes me feel really tall. I like being tall. Someday, I want to be like Mr. Roh, strong, caring, and really tall."
-Cpt. Argo of the Stormchasers
Fleet Admiral Marcus Roh, a proud parent and famous war hero, dishonorably discharged for the destruction of two civilian "cityship" vessels resulting in the loss of nearly 3.2 million lives that was categorized as collateral damage when the entire fleet, a population of almost 1.5 billion was jeopardized, now lives on board the fishing boat turned cargo ship, Stormchaser, in hope of reuniting with his family of wife and son he was forced to part from.
From what the current crew has said in their thoughts of the admiral, Marcus Roh, will always remain a father to those he care deeply for.