Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Galivas Presentation

Winter is coming to the Kingdom of Prosperity. This is the season of rest and rebirth celebrated by the whole country. Many prepare for two of several events of this season: the mass hibernation and the "rut." From just one word, half of the military goes on recess as the other half are too busy filling their bellies or processing documents. But let's not forget the other half of the military, the portion that goes to recess for their very special occasion in the year. It's not the time where they share the joy and wonders of holiday celebration but of something much more primal; the deepest natural urge that all creatures harbor with or without guidance.


Winter is not only the season of sleep for Galivas, but it is also the mating season for their hardened warriors of the Kanis Dragonkin descent. Not only do their bodies grow in size for preparation, but also their strength and stamina surpasses the normal limitations. Some say attacking Galivas at this time is the best to fell the most powerful country, but most know, "Don't poke the wasp nest unless you want the stingers." And they're right, The warriors may be on a break, but disturb their rut and hell will break loose.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Galivas "That Night You Didn't Stop"

"It was a quiet, calm morning when I woke up at early dawn to meditate for the daily exercise. Deep within my own mind, somehow, I couldn't concentrate as well as I could, something was tugging my mind off to one side. It wasn't long before I realized why that was... It was my brother's, the great King Warren Havok I, birthday. I got up from my floor and began looking for the ruler, but he was nowhere to be found. I asked the guards where he may be and most reported seeing him still in his chambers. I wanted to at least wish him happy birthday, but with times like these, moments slip by like sand between the fingers. Rushing to find my brother, the chamber doors were pushed open only to be greeted by an empty bed, neatly made, the chair pushed in with the documents and treaties signed and stored, and a small note written in his hand writing.

'Xyro, I've headed to Bantioc to talk with an old friend. I will return within the day if not later.


But I wanted to wish him happy birthday face to face... Then I realized something, my brother is still here, if not in a physical body, the embodiment of his essence and emotions. He can get annoying at times but he's definitely the brother I knew before the tragedy. I found my Xeros, and I asked him to join me in the plan. We both knocked on his door, and the moment he opened, we jumped him. Slamming him back onto his bed, we tore off the little cover he had, a body towel held around his waist. He struggled at first, shouting at us and bewildered by the sudden attack, but it wasn't long until we calmed him down, taking long drags, nipping on the tips, slowly but steadily stroking and squeezing and massaging...

Later that day, my brother did return from Bantioc and asked me to see him in private. When I arrived with a gift he would love, he was changing out from his royal apparel to his more casual clothes. Something in the air didn't smell right, and he asked me what I did to his other.

'What did you do to that big mouth Warren?'

'Well, isn't it obvious? Xeros and I wished him a happy birthday!'

He paused, slowly blushing and looking down at his feet, I suddenly could feel this essence of deep thanks but also of deep frustration.

'You certainly did a good job at it, because I felt every bit of what you and Xeros did to his body.'

I paused. Speechless... What did he just say?

'Next time, please warn me before you proceed to sexually assault him, because I found it extremely hard to concentrate with my own body reaching orgasms every five minutes during the whole endeavor.'"

- Xyro Havok

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Due Process

" I used to be friends with a monk who lived not far from here. He was a very kind and attentive person without a doubt, always there when you needed him and offered services to help your emotions. 'May God be with you.' was the last thing he said to me the night before the local Astos Combine law enforcement clones tore down his door and dragged him away. I asked my IG-95 guardian 'What did the man do wrong?'

'The man is an accused freedom fighter, his teachings are possible seedlings of a deeper crisis.'

I approached him as the units were pulling him into their vehicle. ' Is it true, are you a freedom fighter?'

He simply replied with a smile, terror withheld in his eyes. ' We shall see, God's laws will protect me.'It was the last time I saw that monk. A kind and attentive man who never took."

- Astos Dracoss Citizen

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bantioc Know where you belong, Lad...

Said the admiral as he coolly raised his heavy arclite cannon to just above his shoulders. He was in control of the situation, the setting, and the time; he was feeling the heavily primitive but welcoming sensations. His body was already hard at work, with the thick muscles under the short but thick fur, the broad chest not dotted, but rooted with thick musky nipples pooled with his viscous masculine milk. the potent smell of his scent filling the air mixed in with an alluringly sweet smell of his rich, pure tobacco...

Just in the reach but out of the grasp, this man has put his foot down just beyond the needy hands.

The Fleet Admiral Marcus Roh, married to a very, VERY lucky wife of Sarah Roh and a proud father of Alexander Roh, showing off his body just out of reach.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pirate Deadliest Catch

" A few stormy nights ago, my ship was disabled by the Nautica pirates. terrified for my life, I pleaded for mercy while the captain of the crew, the Razorshard, seated himself before me. He simply asked, 'What will you do to earn your life?' My answer was simple: Anything. The Razorshard called in his crew, all of their crew, ordered them to whip both of theirs' out as he leaned back in his seat. Almost on cue they began working on their own sets, to get the fluids running, long before I found him covered in his crewmen's cocktails. His eyes were locked to mine, his lips slowly curling to a grin, thick smoke huffed out from his gills. 'I'll let you live if you clean this mess.'"

-Nautica hostage survivor

Friday, July 26, 2013

Nexus The Desert Trek

"The brothers were told that crossing the desert was too dangerous, that they should travel to the Shrine when the sun lowered its face. Yet the two continued on, riding their Hexilon towards the destination. the glaring rays scorching their bodies, their supply of water down to only a few gulps. The Razons were still too far from the Shrine and hope was dwindling as their stamina ran dry. Even still, the older brother leaned onto the younger, holding him close and letting out a deep sigh.

'Reskaa, be strong. We need to see the end of our pilgrimage. Not for each other, but for all of us.'

And before the younger Razon can react, a hand began caressing his bare chest, the other slipping down the belted tunic, massaging what came into the hand's grasp. A gasp of surprise, a rumble of awkwardness and soon silence of perpetual pleasure.

'Razuul, I think I see the Shrine. it's not far but the Hexilon needs rest.'

Thus the creature began walking slower, dragging the private moment the two would spend in the vast expanse of the merciless desert."

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Pirate The Stormchasers

"At first, we gave him some space. After all, he was the Fleet Admiral of a nation that portrayed pirates as the menace of the world. I certainly didn't think of ourselves as pirates since the engineer used to be a fisherman, I'm a priest and the boy...Well. he's too young to hold a job for income, but he did bring in scrap we could sell. Sure, he came in when our enginehead fisherman brought him in from the streets; sure, we helped him with his missing prosthetic legs; sure, we let him get his own room... But was it too much to ask to give us a chance?... I know I was always out of line with him, snapping back at him with my very opinionated comments... I should've just given him time instead of outright verbally attacking him, but this really got him close to all of us, the boy, the fisherman, and me. It wasn't long until his more caring side began to show up. Knowing he was stuck with us for the time being his coin suddenly flipped, from being defensive and isolated to watchful and almost vulnerable. He was once just a stranger, hitching a ride on our crude fishing boat, the Stormchaser, but eventually he became almost like a father, taking his time reading stories for the pup, taking his time and talking with me about immediate future goals, and taking his time spending it with the engineer, pulling him out of his own loneliness. I honestly don't know what to say about the admiral. To me, he's something more than just a father figure to our crew. It's selfish to say, but I want him to stay with us. If he were to leave for his home after the exile, it would be like a part of me just... disappeared."

-Rehhas of the Stormchasers

"Topgun? Hm, Ain likes Topgun. Spends time and nights with Ain. Bigshot likes to talk, a lot. Many stories. Fun stories. Rehhas don't show he like Topgun, but Ain knows. Most don't know Ain no read, Ain no write, and Ain talk funny. But Ain knows lots. don't know how to say, but Ain knows. Nobody knows Ain fix Stormchaser like new when Ain has tools. Topgun know, but Topgun no like repairs. Don't know why. Bigshot's real nice to Ain. Shares lots and stay with Ain when Ain feel alone. Bigshot real nice at time. plays with Argo, talk with Rehhas. Real family. Ain wants Topgun to stay, but Ain knows family more important. Ain miss Bigshot when Bigshot leaves, but Ain think good. Topgun come back one day, give Ain big kiss, give Rehhas and Argo hugs. Aye."

-Ain of the Stormchasers

"Mr. Roh. He's really nice to me and teaches me stuff he knows. He's really smart even though he's not an Astonian. First time he saw me he wasn't too sure if he was looking at a captain or a kid. Oh, I'm the captain of the crew, Ain and Rehhas told me so. Mr. Roh wasn't always nice. he'd ignore me or walk away when I tried talking with him, but something happened. I think I fell down and hurt my arm. It hurt a lot and I think I cried. Mr. Roh came to me and he helped me to my feet, he put some bandages on it and always knew what to do. From that day, he became nicer, read me stories I liked, told me some of his favorites. I really like his detective one where the officer was able to solve the mystery of the stolen jewel. He lets me ride on his shoulders when we go to market, makes me feel really tall. I like being tall. Someday, I want to be like Mr. Roh, strong, caring, and really tall."

-Cpt. Argo of the Stormchasers

Fleet Admiral Marcus Roh, a proud parent and famous war hero, dishonorably discharged for the destruction of two civilian "cityship" vessels resulting in the loss of nearly 3.2 million lives that was categorized as collateral damage when the entire fleet, a population of almost 1.5 billion was jeopardized, now lives on board the fishing boat turned cargo ship, Stormchaser, in hope of reuniting with his family of wife and son he was forced to part from.

From what the current crew has said in their thoughts of the admiral, Marcus Roh, will always remain a father to those he care deeply for.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Galivas Favorite Brother

May 12.

Another year has passed, commemorating the birth of the High Warlord of the Galivas Armed Forces. A special day for Xyro as his birthday has come for today. With plans to spend the day how he has spent before, nothing special was in his mind until a sudden hug from behind. A taciturn king always did knew when to show his inner feelings for his favorite brother.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Astos Make it Quick

Many had doubts for the success of the Astos Orbital Housing Stations; some, downright claim it to be a failure from the start. With minimal security and people of all sorts crammed in such a small station in orbit of the home world, the Astos Orbital Housing Stations were the melting pot of criminal syndicates. But there cannot be light without darkness, and so, the Astos Combine -one of the few legitimate paramilitary companies- sent out the best unit they could spare. Meet Reus Ash, and his trusty partner, IG-98 Imperial Vanguard Prototype Mk.XIX Codename Ash. It's not everyday the flesh and blood of the white Reus can rest along with his prototype soldier Ash.

I will be hosting an official interview with them later on when they're not busy stopping the crime syndicates from taking over the AOHS's.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pirate Braout Karlesh

"The clever seaman of Galivas once said that I was going to regret my decision of not giving him the position of Fleet Admiral. For the first time in my life, he might be right."

-High Warlord Xyro Havok of the Galivas Armed Forces

Braout Karlesh, a man of pure influence and talent, is also the clever seamen of Galivas. I had the very rare privilege to meet face to face with his illusive self by back tracking all the people his messages are relayed through.

The captain of a stolen warship was born Galivian and raised the same manner: the military career was the best career he would find for his thinking, his voice, and his charms. working up the ranks, though, he started to run across racial boundaries set in by traditions of the Kanis Dragonkins. being of a Majoris Dragonkin and Varstus Dragonkin descent, he was a Keisar Dragonkin; a mutt. The military did not frown upon these people, but they never gave out the higher ranks to the Keisar Dragonkins, always giving the said positions to others of the Warrior Species. Losing his positions to several different Kanis Dragonkins, his last nerve was tested and broken by the High Warlord Xyro Havok, Denying him of the position of Fleet Admiral, a rank he earned several years ago through many of his valiant acts and cutting edge naval tactics.

He deserted the Galivas Armed Forces, taking only the necessary equipment from the armories. His plan was simple: Teach the stubborn Kanis Dragonkins that Traditions no longer apply. The easiest and clearest message was to destroy what gave the Kanis Dragonkins confidence in naval warfare: The Hyperion, Galivas's very own flagship. He needed a vessel with weapons powerful enough to penetrate the Crystallline Shield Matrix that protected the hulls of the ancient retrofitted vessel, and he knew the one place to find it.

Braout has had heard rumors of a joint Astos and Bantioc project. In conjunction with the Bantioc Migrant Empire -the largest naval fleet- Astos developed weapons that were strong enough to match and surpass the shield matrices of Galivas vehicles. With his influential yet clever ways, he found the rumors to be true, one of the pioneering naval warfare vessels, a ship with a main battery of the most powerful Astonian weapon-grade Phase Photon Compressed Beam that ran along the length of the ship, four bow pointed batteries that fire a variety of projectiles and plasma bolts, two bow pointed defense turrets designed to shred any projectiles that managed to pass through the already powerful Repulse Projection Shield Matrix, One stern pointed offense/defense turret firing a variety of arsenal, completed with several systems and sub systems that make this warship an impenetrable flying fortress.
Braout has christened the vessel and named her The Avantgarde, a state-of-the-art warship designed for maximum destruction.

He has only one other problem left to resolve: get to the munitions of Bantioc to unleash his fury against the Galivas Armed Forces; only one person stands in between Braout Karlesh and the terror inflicting weapons of mass destruction of Bantioc: Ex-Fleet Admiral Marcus Roh.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Galivas Xyro and Xeros Havok

"At Last...."
 what the High Warlord said as his husband, and officer below him, pulled away after the long, sweaty, orgasm filled night.

The "Mating Season" for this couple, of two highest ranked military warriors is one of the most important aspects of their lives, the only time when they are allowed to be carefree of their duties and spend, not just a day, but a full three months of preparations, training, and finally, that single magical week of breeding. 

Yet these two prefer to use their time in a more exciting way, according to Xyro Havok, as the alpha male, he is generally larger and tougher than his husband Xeros Havok, but with his secretive guilty pleasure, his orgasms are much more spirited when Xyro is forced into submission by his mate. 

To reach for that new level of perpetual pleasure, Xyro did what he could to build up until the last possible day, the months of abstinence from the beginning of fall until that last week of winter where he claimed to have felt his testicles have swollen from lack of relief and his nipples have bloated in size from lack of attention, sexually deprived until that last moment in the season where he was brutally dominated by Xeros, giving the High Warlord his heavily desired orgasm he didn't want to end even long after the moment of release.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Aragoth S'Harra Ahme Raahul

S'Harra Ahme Raahul is his name and the deserts of Aragoth isn't just his battlefield. We met by mere coincidence where I was in search of an Oasis far from any other sanctuary and he was in search for others who he could finally speak with. As silent as he was when he arrived, his jaws pried open for a short conversation between him and myself.

"Tell me stranger, where do you hail from?"
"I'm from a distant land of Galivas, the largest kingdom in existence if memory serves me right."

It wasn't long before we truly got engaged. He spoke to me about Aragoth, a land shrouded in enigma for it is cursed with a thick fog neither ship nor plane can pass without exiting the other side like the island wasn't there. He spoke about the occasional visitors such as I, curious of why this guardian has let me pass into Aragoth without turning me away from the untouched soil.

And I asked him our final question.

"Are you lonely here in the vast desert expanse?"

"... Not anymore, Friend."