Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bantioc The Two Sides of the Fleet Admiral

" Every morning, I remember waking up and dressing myself for the daily routines as the chief communications officer for the fleet admiral. Everything I did always involved speaking with him one way or another. Everyday was the same, power the console, arrange the garble of data into a familiar set up, read through the graphs and tell the admiral what he needed to know to run the ship.

"Until one day I screwed up and made a mistake in my routines. I gave him wrong information that resulted in a mess of shuttles distributing the commodities to wrong ships. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy about it but seemed pretty calm when he told me to meet him at the Executive Lounge on the Officer Quarters Deck 05...

"From that day, I try and fake a mistake every now and then. It adds the little bit of the spice in my life that makes it exciting."

-Chief Communications Officer Rico Tae