Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pirate Braout Karlesh

"The clever seaman of Galivas once said that I was going to regret my decision of not giving him the position of Fleet Admiral. For the first time in my life, he might be right."

-High Warlord Xyro Havok of the Galivas Armed Forces

Braout Karlesh, a man of pure influence and talent, is also the clever seamen of Galivas. I had the very rare privilege to meet face to face with his illusive self by back tracking all the people his messages are relayed through.

The captain of a stolen warship was born Galivian and raised the same manner: the military career was the best career he would find for his thinking, his voice, and his charms. working up the ranks, though, he started to run across racial boundaries set in by traditions of the Kanis Dragonkins. being of a Majoris Dragonkin and Varstus Dragonkin descent, he was a Keisar Dragonkin; a mutt. The military did not frown upon these people, but they never gave out the higher ranks to the Keisar Dragonkins, always giving the said positions to others of the Warrior Species. Losing his positions to several different Kanis Dragonkins, his last nerve was tested and broken by the High Warlord Xyro Havok, Denying him of the position of Fleet Admiral, a rank he earned several years ago through many of his valiant acts and cutting edge naval tactics.

He deserted the Galivas Armed Forces, taking only the necessary equipment from the armories. His plan was simple: Teach the stubborn Kanis Dragonkins that Traditions no longer apply. The easiest and clearest message was to destroy what gave the Kanis Dragonkins confidence in naval warfare: The Hyperion, Galivas's very own flagship. He needed a vessel with weapons powerful enough to penetrate the Crystallline Shield Matrix that protected the hulls of the ancient retrofitted vessel, and he knew the one place to find it.

Braout has had heard rumors of a joint Astos and Bantioc project. In conjunction with the Bantioc Migrant Empire -the largest naval fleet- Astos developed weapons that were strong enough to match and surpass the shield matrices of Galivas vehicles. With his influential yet clever ways, he found the rumors to be true, one of the pioneering naval warfare vessels, a ship with a main battery of the most powerful Astonian weapon-grade Phase Photon Compressed Beam that ran along the length of the ship, four bow pointed batteries that fire a variety of projectiles and plasma bolts, two bow pointed defense turrets designed to shred any projectiles that managed to pass through the already powerful Repulse Projection Shield Matrix, One stern pointed offense/defense turret firing a variety of arsenal, completed with several systems and sub systems that make this warship an impenetrable flying fortress.
Braout has christened the vessel and named her The Avantgarde, a state-of-the-art warship designed for maximum destruction.

He has only one other problem left to resolve: get to the munitions of Bantioc to unleash his fury against the Galivas Armed Forces; only one person stands in between Braout Karlesh and the terror inflicting weapons of mass destruction of Bantioc: Ex-Fleet Admiral Marcus Roh.